
Bijou Re-Open!

Hello all :)

Our SIM, Bijouaholic has been closed to public for remodeling some of the part since Feb 3rd.
Today finally finished it, and Re-open it to public. Anyone can tp down here now :)

For this time, we have renewed half south part of our SIM.
Hair Salon, Lingerie section is completely remodeled.
Also, there is a cute and cozy beach you can sit down.

We have added more convenent teleporters around sections.
Cloth section (underground) and Har salon has connected with a little corridor too.
We hope it will make your shopping more convenent and comfortable.
Please come down and enjoy new Bijouaholic!

Also, there is a new free gift at Lingerie section.
Group member can get unique color versions of this gift as well.
We hope you will like them all ^^

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